Variables are a good way to keep a query "clean" and separate parameters from code.
In Google BigQuery, we can use variables in standard sql by defining them with a
#DECLARE <variable> <type> DEFAULT <value>;
with <type>
being one of the BigQuery's built-in standard-sql data types
This is equivalent to variables of other SQL databases, e.g.
- MySQL variables:
SET @foo = 'bar';
- PostgreSQL variables:
foo varchar := 'bar';
SELECT foo_var
Working Example
Run on BigQuery
- Gist on Github
- Example on BigQuery
- Answer to "Setting Big Query variables like mysql" on Stackoverflow
Use cases
Hardcoding variables is generally considered a bad practice as it makes it harder to understand and modify a query. A frequent use case for me is the definition of date ranges (from and to dates) that are used for querying partitioned tables:
```` DECLARE from_date DATE DEFAULT DATE("2018-04-09"); DECLARE to_date DATE DEFAULT DATE("2018-04-10");
WITH data as( SELECT 1 as id, DATE("2018-04-08") AS date, UNION ALL SELECT 2, DATE("2018-04-09") UNION ALL SELECT 3, DATE("2018-04-10") UNION ALL SELECT 4, DATE("2018-04-11") )
SELECT id, date FROM data WHERE date BETWEEN from_date AND to_date ```
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