Use the gcloud cli docker image

instead of installing it locally

Posted by Pascal Landau on 2022-09-27 06:00:00
This post is still in a draft status and likely subject to change!

In this tutorial we will replace the locally installed gcloud cli tool with the official gcloud cli docker image and integrate it in the setup and deployment process.

What will you learn?
You will learn which gcloud cli docker images exist, and how to pull and run them.

In addition I'll show a way to seamlessly integrate the image in a make setup and in shell scripts to completely remove the need for a locally installed version of the gcloud cli.

Finally, we will adjust the example codebase to use the docker image wherever possible.

All code samples are publicly available in my Docker PHP Tutorial repository on Github.
You find the branch with the final result of this tutorial at part-12-use-gcloud-cli-docker-image.

All published parts of the Docker PHP Tutorial are collected under a dedicated page at Docker PHP Tutorial. The previous part was Deploy dockerized PHP Apps to production and the following one is Manage Logfiles in Docker via Volumes and Sidecar containers.

If you want to follow along, please subscribe to the RSS feed or via email to get automatic notifications when the next part comes out :)

Table of contents


The gcloud cli is the official CLI tool of GCP. We have introduced it in Run Docker on GCP Compute Instance VMs: Set up the gcloud CLI tool and installed it directly on our local machine:

The CLI tool for GCP is called gcloud and is available for all operating systems.

In this tutorial we are using [it] installed natively on Windows via the GoogleCloudSDKInstaller.exe using the "Bundled Python" option.

Since it became a vital part in the deployment of the application, it is likely to be used by multiple developers in the team. This can lead to problems like

  • outdated versions
  • unnecessary updating overhead (e.g. due a dependency on a new python version)
  • etc.

We had similar considerations when implementing git secret via docker container:

Plus, we need to ensure that the git-secret and gpg versions are kept up-to-date for everyone to not run into any compatibility issues.

In this tutorial we'll remove this "local" dependency and use the official gcloud cli docker image instead.

Run the code yourself

If you are "just" interested in using gcloud via docker image, run the following commands:

# Prepare the codebase git clone && cd docker-php-tutorial git checkout part-12-use-gcloud-cli-docker-image # Run a `gcloud` command in the docker image make gcp-gcloud ARGS=version # Run a `gcloud` command locally make gcp-gcloud ARGS=version EXECUTE_GCLOUD_IN_CONTAINER=false


$ make gcp-gcloud ARGS=version
docker run -i --rm --workdir="/codebase" --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/codebase --mount type=volume,src=gcloud-config,dst=/home/cloudsdk --user cloudsdk gcloud version
Google Cloud SDK 403.0.0
alpha 2022.09.20
beta 2022.09.20
bq 2.0.77
bundled-python3-unix 3.9.12
core 2022.09.20
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gsutil 5.13

$ make gcp-gcloud ARGS=version EXECUTE_GCLOUD_IN_CONTAINER=false
gcloud version
Google Cloud SDK 399.0.0
beta 2022.08.19
bq 2.0.75
core 2022.08.19
gsutil 5.12

Run a full deployment

Since this article is part of a tutorial series, you can also run the full deployment.

The following steps will create actual infrastructure on GCP which means you will create costs (albeit quite little). Please make sure to shut the project down once you are done, see Run Docker on GCP Compute InstanceVMs: Cleanup.

I recommend creating a completely new GCP project to have a "clean slate" that ensures that everything works out of the box as intended.

# Prepare the codebase git clone && cd docker-php-tutorial git checkout part-12-use-gcloud-cli-docker-image # Run the initialization make dev-init # Note: # You don't have to follow the additional instructions of the `dev-init` target # for this part of the tutorial. # The following steps need to be done manually: # # - Create a new GCP project and "master" service account with Owner permissions. # - Create a key file for that master service account and place it in the root of the codebase at # ./gcp-master-service-account-key.json # # @see ls ./gcp-master-service-account-key.json # Should NOT fail with # ls: cannot access './gcp-master-service-account-key.json': No such file or directory # Update the variables `DOCKER_REGISTRY` and `GCP_PROJECT_ID` in `.make/variables.env` projectId="SET YOUR GCP_PROJECT_ID HERE" # CAUTION: Mac users might need to use `sed -i '' -e` instead of `sed -i`! @see sed -i "s/DOCKER_REGISTRY=.*/\/${projectId}/" .make/variables.env sed -i "s/GCP_PROJECT_ID=.*/GCP_PROJECT_ID=${projectId}/" .make/variables.env # Set up an SSH key for the `gcloud` container make gcp-create-ssh-key # Set up the infrastructure make infrastructure-setup ROOT_PASSWORD="production_secret_mysql_root_password" # Authenticate docker to push images make gcp-authenticate-docker SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE=./gcp-service-account-key.json make docker-compose-build make docker-compose-up make gpg-init make secret-decrypt make gcp-activate-master-account # Retrieve the AUTH string of the redis instance and set it in the `.secrets/prod/app.env` file auth_string=$(make -s gcp-get-redis-auth) # CAUTION: Mac users might need to use `sed -i '' -e` instead of `sed -i`! @see sed -i "s/REDIS_PASSWORD=.*/REDIS_PASSWORD=${auth_string}/" .secrets/prod/app.env # Encrypt the secrets and commit the changes make secret-encrypt git add . && git commit -m "Update the REDIS_PASSWORD and re-encrypt the secrets" # Run the deployment make deploy # Migrate the database make deployment-setup-db-on-vm # Verify the deployment make deployment-info

A word of caution for Windows users (Git Bash / MINGW / MSYS2)

This section is important, if you encounter one of the following error messages

the working directory 'C:/Program Files/Git/codebase' is invalid, it needs to be an absolute path.

invalid mount config for type "volume": invalid mount path: 'C:/Program Files/Git/home/cloudsdk' mount path must be absolute.

the input device is not a TTY

stdout is not a tty

My development setup at the moment is

  • Windows 10
  • Docker Desktop v4.12.0
  • Git for Windows v2.37.3

I.e. I do not use WSL but Git Bash as my terminal of choice. If you are in the same boat, please make sure to read my Common Issues section, especially The role of winpty: Fixing "The input device is not a TTY" and The path conversion issue:

  • Windows needs a special tool called winpty to create input that is compatible with a Unix pty and Git Bash and winpty "screw up" absolute Unix paths like /codebase by converting them by default to a Windows path like C:/Program Files/Git/codebase.
  • the pty issue can be solved by prefixing docker commands that require user input with winpty to avoid The input device is not a TTY errors while NOT adding it to docker commands that need pipes to avoid the stdout is not a tty error
  • to solve the path conversion issue, you need to install the latest version of winpty and in addition export the variable MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 as an environment variable

Long story short: Your concrete TODO in the context of this tutorial is making sure to use the latest version of winpty, e.g. by following the steps outlined in Fixing the path conversion issue for winpty.

Exporting MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 as an environment variable should not be required if you are using the example code of this tutorial, because I'm taking care of it directly in the main Makefile via

OS?=$(shell uname)
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
  # [...]
  # Export MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 as environment variable to avoid automatic path conversion
  # (the export does only apply locally to `make` and the scripts that are invoked,
  # it does not affect the global environment)
  # @see
# [...]

The gcloud cli docker image


You can pull the gcloud cli docker image via

docker pull$version

# e.g.
# docker pull
# docker pull

# or

docker pull$optionalVersion-$type

# e.g.
# docker pull
# docker pull


  • $version is either latest or a concrete version number like 403.0.0
    • A (big) Debian-based image with additional components
  • $type can be one of:
    • slim: A smaller Debian-based image with less additional components
    • emulators: A smaller Debian-based image with emulator components
    • alpine: An Alpine-based image with no additional components
    • debian_component_based: Debian-based image with all additional components using the component manager to install components

See also the GCP Cloud SDK docu: Installing the Google Cloud CLI Docker image for a full overview of the image options. The corresponding Dockerfiles are available in the GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-sdk-docker Github repository.

Concrete example for pulling a 403.0.0-alpine image:

$ docker pull
403.0.0-alpine: Pulling from
9621f1afde84: Already exists
ac7f9f5825e5: Pulling fs layer
de9993cc056b: Pulling fs layer
a8c020dea79a: Pulling fs layer
9da7a7c33f19: Pulling fs layer
1ab604b5b29f: Pulling fs layer
Digest: sha256:d451cccaeb65f7878947c921c77e83910acb7465b26465c97451ae4a6a37e8e1
Status: Downloaded newer image for

You can also create a custom image based on the slim and alpine types if you need a specific component that doesn't come pre-installed - see the documentation section Installing additional components.

Image sizes

To get a feeling for the size of the images, I've pulled the current latest version of each image - which is 403.0.0 as of 2022-09-25:

REPOSITORY                                        TAG                              SIZE    IMAGE ID   403.0.0                          2.86GB  a331adb66c48   403.0.0-debian_component_based   2.57GB  d0260cfd2a43   403.0.0-emulators                1.1GB   8a360f740264   403.0.0-slim                     1.41GB  2662111f0e6b   403.0.0-alpine                   820MB   92eef3663fa5

The smallest one (alpine; 820MB) is ~3.5x smaller than then biggest one ("no type"; 2.86GB).

Installed components

In oder to understand if a pre-compiled image is sufficient, I've used the following script to print the components for each image type:

printf "Tag: $version\n=\n"
docker run --rm$version gcloud version

tags="debian_component_based emulators slim alpine"

for tag in $tags; do
  printf "\n\nTag: $version-$tag\n=\n"
  docker run --rm$version-$tag gcloud version


Tag: 403.0.0
Google Cloud SDK 403.0.0
alpha 2022.09.20
app-engine-go 1.9.72
app-engine-python 1.9.101
app-engine-python-extras 1.9.97
beta 2022.09.20
bq 2.0.77
bundled-python3-unix 3.9.12
cbt 0.12.0
cloud-datastore-emulator 2.2.2
cloud-firestore-emulator 1.14.4
cloud-spanner-emulator 1.4.3
core 2022.09.20
datalab 20190610
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gke-gcloud-auth-plugin 0.3.0
gsutil 5.13
kpt 1.0.0-beta.15
local-extract 1.5.4
pubsub-emulator 0.7.0

Tag: 403.0.0-debian_component_based
Google Cloud SDK 403.0.0
alpha 2022.09.20
anthos-auth 1.4.3
app-engine-go 1.9.72
app-engine-python 1.9.101
app-engine-python-extras 1.9.96
appctl 0.1.12
beta 2022.09.20
bq 2.0.77
bundled-python3-unix 3.9.12
cbt 0.12.0
cloud-datastore-emulator 2.2.2
core 2022.09.20
datalab 20190610
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gke-gcloud-auth-plugin 0.3.0
gsutil 5.13
kpt 1.0.0-beta.15
kubectl 1.22.12
kustomize 4.4.0
local-extract 1.5.4
minikube 1.26.1
nomos 1.13.0-rc.7
pubsub-emulator 0.7.0
skaffold 1.39.2

Tag: 403.0.0-emulators
Google Cloud SDK 403.0.0
beta 2022.09.20
bq 2.0.77
bundled-python3-unix 3.9.12
cloud-datastore-emulator 2.2.2
cloud-firestore-emulator 1.14.4
cloud-spanner-emulator 1.4.3
core 2022.09.20
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gsutil 5.13
pubsub-emulator 0.7.0

Tag: 403.0.0-slim
Google Cloud SDK 403.0.0
alpha 2022.09.20
beta 2022.09.20
bq 2.0.77
bundled-python3-unix 3.9.12
core 2022.09.20
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gsutil 5.13

Tag: 403.0.0-alpine
Google Cloud SDK 403.0.0
bq 2.0.77
bundled-python3-unix 3.9.12
core 2022.09.20
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gsutil 5.13

FYI: For the codebase of this tutorial we need the beta component for creating the MySQL Cloud SQL instance to enable the --allocated-ip-range-name option.

The smallest image type that contains that component is slim, i.e. we'll use image


To use gcloud via docker, you need to specify the gcloud command as first argument after the image name of docker run and then "use the commands as you would on a local installation", e.g. for gcloud version

docker run --rm gcloud version
$ docker run --rm gcloud version
Google Cloud SDK 403.0.0
bq 2.0.77
bundled-python3-unix 3.9.12
core 2022.09.20
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gsutil 5.13

Authentication and persistence

Since we need to be authenticated for most of the commands, we need some way of "persisting" the authentication information. We will use a named volume to retain the information across different container runs.

The following example shows how to authenticate with a service account key file located in the current working directory

docker run \
  -i \
  --rm \
  --workdir="/codebase" \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/codebase \
  --mount type=volume,src=gcloud-config,dst=/home/cloudsdk \
  --user cloudsdk \ \
  gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file="./gcp-service-account-key.json" --project="pl-dofroscra-p"


$ docker run \
  -i \
  --rm \
  --workdir="/codebase" \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/codebase \
  --mount type=volume,src=gcloud-config,dst=/home/cloudsdk \
  --user cloudsdk \ \
  gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file="./gcp-service-account-key.json" --project="pl-dofroscra-p"
Activated service account credentials for: []
-i \
--rm \

Run the container in interactive mode (-i) to accept input from stdin and remove it (--rm) after running the command as there is no need to keep it running after executing a gcloud command.

FYI: Accepting input from stdin is e.g. required for setting the secret gpg password in .infrastructure/ at

echo -n "${gpg_secret_key_password}" | gcloud secrets versions add GPG_PASSWORD --data-file=-

Otherwise, we would run into the error

ERROR: (gcloud.secrets.versions.add) INVALID_ARGUMENT: Secret Payload cannot be empty.
--workdir="/codebase" \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/codebase \

Share the codebase (specified via the current directory $(pwd)) with the container as a bind mount and make it available at path /codebase. This is important to get access to the service account key file that we specify via --key-file="./gcp-service-account-key.json" in the gcloud auth command.

FYI: The /codebase directory is chosen arbitrarily - it should just be a directory that doesn't exist in the container.

--user cloudsdk \
--mount type=volume,src=gcloud-config,dst=/home/cloudsdk \

When we apply permanent settings to the gcloud cli config (e.g. the authenticated service account and the default project), those settings need to be stored "somewhere". By default, this is happening in the ~/.config/gcloud directory within the home directory of the current user, see CloudSDK docs: Managing gcloud CLI configurations :

Configurations are stored in your user config directory (typically ~/.config/gcloud on MacOS and Linux, or %APPDATA%\gcloud on Windows [...]

To retain those settings across different container runs, we need to "persist" the data in a volume.

The cloudsdk user comes pre-created with all gcloud images and its home directory is /home/cloudsdk. Thus, we create a volume named gcloud-config to map it to this path. I.e. all files and directories within the home directory are stored in the volume - including the /home/cloudsdk/.config/gcloud directory.

FYI: We use the cloudsdk user instead of the default root user on purpose, because it would create problems later, e.g. when trying to log into a VM via SSH, because root login is disabled by default. \
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file="./gcp-service-account-key.json" --project="pl-dofroscra-p"

Finally, we define the gcloud image and run the gcloud auth activate-service-account command.

We can then verify that the authentication worked as expected via

docker run \
  -i \
  --rm \
  --workdir="/codebase" \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/codebase \
  --mount type=volume,src=gcloud-config,dst=/home/cloudsdk \
  --user cloudsdk \ \
  gcloud info


$ docker run \
  -i \
  --rm \
  --workdir="/codebase" \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/codebase \
  --mount type=volume,src=gcloud-config,dst=/home/cloudsdk \
  --user cloudsdk \ \
  gcloud info
Google Cloud SDK [403.0.0]

Platform: [Linux, x86_64] uname_result(system='Linux', node='80b59ba0d70c', release='5.10.124-linuxkit', version='#1 SMP Thu Jun 30 08:19:10 UTC 2022', machine='x86_64')
Locale: (None, None)
Python Version: [3.9.13 (main, Jul 26 2022, 13:12:30)  [GCC 10.3.1 20211027]]
Python Location: [/usr/bin/python3]
OpenSSL: [OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022]
Requests Version: [2.25.1]
urllib3 Version: [1.26.9]
Site Packages: [Disabled]

Installation Root: [/google-cloud-sdk]
Installed Components:
  gsutil: [5.13]
  gcloud-crc32c: [1.0.0]
  bq: [2.0.77]
  bundled-python3-unix: [3.9.12]
  core: [2022.09.20]
System PATH: [/google-cloud-sdk/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin]
Python PATH: [/google-cloud-sdk/lib/third_party:/google-cloud-sdk/lib:/usr/lib/]
Cloud SDK on PATH: [True]
Kubectl on PATH: [False]

Installation Properties: [/google-cloud-sdk/properties]
User Config Directory: [/home/cloudsdk/.config/gcloud]
Active Configuration Name: [default]
Active Configuration Path: [/home/cloudsdk/.config/gcloud/configurations/config_default]

Account: [[email protected]]
Project: [pl-dofroscra-p]

Current Properties:
    account: [[email protected]] (property file)
    disable_usage_reporting: [True] (property file)
    project: [pl-dofroscra-p] (property file)

Logs Directory: [/home/cloudsdk/.config/gcloud/logs]
Last Log File: [/home/cloudsdk/.config/gcloud/logs/2022.09.26/]

git: [git version 2.34.4]

Note the

Account: [[email protected]]
Project: [pl-dofroscra-p]

part near the end.

FYI: The GCP docs on Installing a specified Docker image propose a different approach:

  • create a container named google-config that uses an anonymous volume
  • run the authentication in this container
  • use the --volumes-from option to references the volumes of the google-config container on subsequent invocations of the gcloud docker image

Though I find this approach less intuitive, more difficult and don't see a benefit over simply using a named volume. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that something like docker volume prune would delete the google-config volume unless it is attached to a running container.

Suppress warnings

After playing around with the containerized gcloud, I noticed the warning


To increase the performance of the tunnel, consider installing NumPy. For instructions,
please see

popping up whenever I used the --tunnel-through-iap flag of the gcloud compute ssh command. Since I don't want to create a custom image to install NumPy, I looked for alternatives to suppress the warning and came across the verbosity configuration for gcloud, that is set to warning by default.

Displaying the warning can be suppressed by adding --verbosity=error as option to any command that uses the --tunnel-through-iap flag.

FYI: You could also adjust the general verbosity level via

gcloud config set core/verbosity error

but that might also hide some warnings that you DO want to see, and I feel disabling it on a per-case basis is the safer way to go.

A make variable for targets

So far, we are using gcloud "directly" in make targets, e.g. like this:

.PHONY: gcp-info-vms
gcp-info-vms: ## Show VM information
    gcloud compute instances list

To replace this usage with the gcloud image instead, we would have to change the target to

.PHONY: gcp-info-vms
gcp-info-vms: ## Show VM information
    docker run \
      -i \
      --rm \
      --workdir="/codebase" \
      --mount type=bind,source="$$(pwd)",target=/codebase \
      --mount type=volume,src=gcloud-config,dst=/home/cloudsdk \
      --user cloudsdk \ \
    gcloud compute instances list

Which is quite a lot of noise. Luckily, we have already "solved" this problem earlier and can use the same "technique" as we did for managing docker compose via make by creating a GCLOUD variable that holds the fully configured command, i.e.

# OS is a defined variable for WIN systems, so "uname" will not be executed
OS?=$(shell uname)
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)


                              --rm \
                              --workdir="/codebase" \
                              --mount type=bind,source="$$(pwd)",target=/codebase \
                              --mount type=volume,src=gcloud-config,dst=/home/$(GCLOUD_DOCKER_IMAGE_USER) \
                              --user $(GCLOUD_DOCKER_IMAGE_USER)



By default, the GCLOUD variable equals to gcloud (i.e. the locally installed gcloud cli) but if the EXECUTE_GCLOUD_IN_CONTAINER is set to true, the docker image will be used instead (which is the default, as the variable is defined as EXECUTE_GCLOUD_IN_CONTAINER?=true).

This way, we can write our target as

.PHONY: gcp-info-vms
gcp-info-vms: ## Show VM information
    $(GCLOUD) compute instances list

And can even control via EXECUTE_GCLOUD_IN_CONTAINER if we want to run the docker image or the locally installed gcloud cli. Examples:

Use the docker image

$ make gcp-info-vms -n docker run --rm --workdir="/codebase" --mount type=bind,source="",target=/codebase --mount type=volume,src=gcloud-config,dst=/home/cloudsdk --user cloudsdk gcloud compute instances list

Use the locally installed gcloud cli

$ make gcp-info-vms EXECUTE_GCLOUD_IN_CONTAINER=false -n gcloud compute instances list

In addition, I have added a GCLOUD_WITH_TTY variable that needs to be used whenever a command requires user input. Take the gcp-ssh-login target for example:

.PHONY: gcp-ssh-login
gcp-ssh-login: validate-gcp-variables ## Log into a VM via IAP tunnel
    @$(if $(VM_NAME),,$(error "VM_NAME is undefined"))
    $(GCLOUD_WITH_TTY) compute ssh $(VM_NAME) --project $(GCP_PROJECT_ID) --zone $(GCP_ZONE) --tunnel-through-iap --verbosity=error

This target will open an SSH session over IAP so that we can then run commands on the remote VM - since we need to "type" the commands, we need a terminal and thus need to instruct docker to allocate a tty for us. This is done via the -t option. Thus, we have added the helper variable


The $(WINPTY_PREFIX) is required for users of Git Bash on Windows, because they must add winpty as a prefix, to enable terminal input.

Creating an SSH key

The RUN_GCLOUD_DOCKER_IMAGE_WITH_TTY variable is helpful to run other commands in the container. A concrete example is the generation of the google_compute_engine SSH keys, that are required for connecting to the Compute Engine VMs via IAP. This can be done with the following target:

.PHONY: gcp-create-ssh-key
gcp-create-ssh-key: ## Create an SSH key pair named "google_compute_engine" in the gcloud docker image at ~/.ssh
    @$(RUN_GCLOUD_DOCKER_IMAGE_WITH_TTY) ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /home/$(GCLOUD_DOCKER_IMAGE_USER)/.ssh/google_compute_engine -C $(GCLOUD_DOCKER_IMAGE_USER) -N "";

The .ssh folder is located in the home directory of the user and thus already covered by the gcloud-config volume.

FYI: We need a tty here, because ssh-keygen doesn't provide an option to force overwriting an existing key and would prompt us to confirm (or deny) the action. Usage example:

$ make gcp-create-ssh-key
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
/home/cloudsdk/.ssh/google_compute_engine already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Your identification has been saved in /home/cloudsdk/.ssh/google_compute_engine.
Your public key has been saved in /home/cloudsdk/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:+TMUpyBeVSSjTe728c+xTkEVJAqy3HeK5e7TZcnq9OE cloudsdk
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|       . .=oo..oo|
|      . +*.o. . .|
|      .o+.++.. . |
|     . o +=+o .  |
|      . S.=o. ...|
|         +.. o =.|
|          +.o.=+ |
|          .+.o+o+|
|           .o..Eo|

A bash function for shell scripts

As in the previous make section our shell scripts are currently also using gcloud directly and we'll create a "decorator" for the gcloud command by overwriting it with our own function:


gcloud() { 

  docker run \
  -i \
  --rm \
  --workdir="/codebase" \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/codebase \
  --mount type=volume,src=gcloud-config,dst=/home/cloudsdk \
  --user cloudsdk \${gcloudVersion} \
  gcloud "$@"

We're first exporting MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 as an environment variable to disable the automatic path conversion for Git Bash users and will then use the already familiar options for the docker image to run a container and invoke gcloud command with all given arguments via "$@".

The function must be defined by each script so that all invocations of gcloud use it instead of the actual command. To avoid having to re-define the function multiple times, we can add it to a file once and include this file in the affected scripts. Take the following directory structure for example:

├── includes/
│   └──

where ./scripts/includes/ contains the decorator mentioned above and ./scripts/ contains the following script:

set -x

. $(dirname "$0")/includes/

gcloud version

set -x (Print a trace of simple commands) is helpful for showing us that our decorator is actually used and the $(dirname "$0") part in the include is necessary to resolve the location of the included script relative to the invoked one.

Running the script generates the following output:

++ dirname ./scripts/
+ . .infrastructure/include/
+ gcloud version
+ gcloudVersion=403.0.0-slim
++ pwd
+ docker run -i --rm --workdir=/codebase --mount type=bind,source=/c/codebase/docker-php-tutorial,target=/codebase --mount type=volume,src=gcloud-config,dst=/home/cloudsdk --user cloudsdk gcloud version
Google Cloud SDK 403.0.0
alpha 2022.09.20
beta 2022.09.20
bq 2.0.77
bundled-python3-unix 3.9.12
core 2022.09.20
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gsutil 5.13

Note, that it will actually run the docker container as expected:

+ docker run -i --rm --workdir=/codebase --mount type=bind,source=/c/codebase/docker-php-tutorial,target=/codebase --mount type=volume,src=gcloud-config,dst=/home/cloudsdk --user cloudsdk gcloud version

Using the gcloud cli docker image in our codebase

In order to use the gcloud cli docker image instead of the locally installed gcloud cli, we need to replace all current "direct" gcloud invocations from our local machine - but NOT the ones on the remote Compute Engine VM, because gcloud already comes pre-installed and authenticated with the deployed service account.

Replacing local gcloud invocations

We're using the gcloud cli in three places:

  • the make setup
  • the setup scripts
  • the deployment

Replacing gcloud in the make setup

All usages of the gcloud cli are happening in file .make/ and we simply need to replace gcloud with the GCLOUD or GCLOUD_WITH_TTY variable introduced in section A make variable for targets:

##@ [GCP]


                              --rm \
                              --workdir="/codebase" \
                              --mount type=bind,source="$$(pwd)",target=/codebase \
                              --mount type=volume,src=gcloud-config,dst=/home/$(GCLOUD_DOCKER_IMAGE_USER) \
                              --user $(GCLOUD_DOCKER_IMAGE_USER)



.PHONY: gcp-gcloud
gcp-gcloud: ## Run an arbitrary `gcloud` command specified via ARGS
    $(GCLOUD) $(ARGS) 

.PHONY: gcp-create-ssh-key
gcp-create-ssh-key: ## Create an SSH key pair named "google_compute_engine" in the gcloud docker image at ~/.ssh
    @$(RUN_GCLOUD_DOCKER_IMAGE_WITH_TTY) ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /home/$(GCLOUD_DOCKER_IMAGE_USER)/.ssh/google_compute_engine -C $(GCLOUD_DOCKER_IMAGE_USER) -N "";

.PHONY: gcp-authenticate-docker
gcp-authenticate-docker: ## Authenticate docker with the JSON key file specified via SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE
    @$(if $(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE),,$(error "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE is undefined"))
    cat "$(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE)" | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin

.PHONY: gcp-activate-service-account
gcp-activate-service-account: validate-gcp-variables ## Initialize the `gcloud` cli with the service account specified via SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE
    @$(if $(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE),,$(error "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE is undefined"))
    $(GCLOUD) auth activate-service-account --key-file="$(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE)" --project="$(GCP_PROJECT_ID)"

.PHONY: gcp-activate-deployment-account
gcp-activate-deployment-account: validate-gcp-variables ## Initialize the `gcloud` cli with the deployment service account 

# ...

Replacing gcloud in the setup scripts

The setup scripts for the GCP infrastructure have been introduced in Create a production infrastructure for dockerized PHP Apps on GCP and are located in the .infrastructure directory.

We are using the decorator function explained in section A bash function for shell scripts by placing it in the file .infrastructure/include/ and including it in each setup script. Take the .infrastructure/ script for example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Fail immediately if any command fails
set -e

usage="Usage: project_id vm_name"
[ -z "$1" ] &&  echo "No project_id given! $usage" && exit 1
[ -z "$2" ] &&  echo "No vm_name given! $usage" && exit 1

. $(dirname "$0")/include/


# ...

printf "${GREEN}Activating master service account${NO_COLOR}\n"
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file="${master_service_account_key_location}" --project="${project_id}"

printf "${GREEN}Creating a Compute Instance VM${NO_COLOR}\n"
gcloud compute instances create "${vm_name}" \
    --project="${project_id}" \
    --zone="${vm_zone}" \
    --machine-type=e2-micro \

# ...

Please note, that we are NOT including it in .infrastructure/scripts/, because this file is transferred to the remote VM and executed there as part of the deployment. This is explained in the following section in more detail.

Adjusting gcloud in the deployment

The deployment consists of a local phase and a remote phase:

  • locally:
    • build the docker images and push them to the registry
    • create a deployment archive and transfer it to the VMs
  • remotely:
    • extract the deployment archive and run the deployment script ...
    • ... that will pull and start the containers

Since both phases use make, we simply need to make sure that the EXECUTE_GCLOUD_IN_CONTAINER introduced in section Replacing gcloud in the make setup is set to true in the local phase and false in the remote one.

Since true is the default value, we don't need to adjust anything for the local phase. Remotely, the make setup is initialized as part of the application deployment script located at .infrastructure/scripts/ script and we need to adjust it to set EXECUTE_GCLOUD_IN_CONTAINER=false via

make make-init ENVS="ENV=prod TAG=latest EXECUTE_GCLOUD_IN_CONTAINER=false"

This ensures, that the gcp-secret-get target will keep using the local gcloud cli. Full script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e

usage="Usage: docker_service_name"
[ -z "$1" ] &&  echo "No docker_service_name given! $usage" && exit 1


echo "Initializing the codebase"
make make-init ENVS="ENV=prod TAG=latest EXECUTE_GCLOUD_IN_CONTAINER=false"
echo "Retrieving secrets"
make gcp-secret-get SECRET_NAME=GPG_KEY > secret.gpg
echo "Creating compose-secrets.env file"
echo "GPG_PASSWORD=$GPG_PASSWORD" > compose-secrets.env
echo "Pulling image for '${docker_service_name}' on the VM from the registry"
make docker-pull DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME="${docker_service_name}"
echo "Stop the '${docker_service_name}' container on the VM"
make docker-stop DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME="${docker_service_name}" || true
make docker-rm DOCKER_SERVICE_NAME="${docker_service_name}" || true

echo "Preparing service IPs as --add-host options"
while read -r line; 
  service_ips=$service_ips" --add-host $line" 
done < service-ips
echo "Start the container for '${docker_service_name}' on the VM"
make docker-run-"${docker_service_name}" HOST_STRING="$service_ips"

Authentication for the Container Registry

In short: We don't need to change anything. Here is why:

We're using GCPs Container Registry and need to be authenticated with a service account (or user) that has the necessary permissions to push and pull images.

Locally, we are using JSON key file authentication

cat "$key" | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin

(see Run Docker on GCP Compute Instance VMs: Authenticate docker) in the make target gcp-authenticate-docker defined in .make/

.PHONY: gcp-authenticate-docker
gcp-authenticate-docker: ## Authenticate docker with the JSON key file specified via SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE
    @$(if $(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE),,$(error "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE is undefined"))
    cat "$(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE)" | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin

This method does not rely on gcloud to be present on the system. Thus, we don't need to update anything here.

Remotely (on a GCP VM) we are using the gcloud credential helper via

gcloud auth configure-docker

(see Run Docker on GCP Compute Instance VMs: Authenticate docker via gcloud) as part of the .infrastructure/ setup script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Fail immediately if any command fails
set -e

usage="Usage: project_id vm_name"
[ -z "$1" ] &&  echo "No project_id given! $usage" && exit 1
[ -z "$2" ] &&  echo "No vm_name given! $usage" && exit 1

. $(dirname "$0")/include/


# ...

printf "${GREEN}Authenticating docker via gcloud in the VM${NO_COLOR}\n"
gcloud compute ssh ${vm_name} --zone ${vm_zone} --tunnel-through-iap --project=${project_id} --command="sudo su root -c 'gcloud auth configure-docker --quiet'"

Note in the last line, that we run the ssh command

sudo su root -c 'gcloud auth configure-docker --quiet'

on the VM. This method requires gcloud to pe present on the system => which is fine, as that's the case by default for Compute Engine VMs.

Ensuring SSH keys exist

We are using IAP to log into the Compute Instance VMs as outlined in Run Docker on GCP Compute Instance VMs: Login using the Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) concept. This technique expects a private ssh key located in the home directory at ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine. We have already introduced the target gcp-create-ssh-key in section Creating an SSH key and need to ensure that it's run once before the gcloud container is used.

FYI: In theory, the gcloud cli would also create the key automatically if it doesn't exist - but this lead to problems for me when running commands in parallel, because they would then try to create the missing keys simultaneously and fail.

Wrapping up

Congratulations, you made it! If some things are not completely clear by now, don't hesitate to leave a comment.

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Waving bear
